Senin, Maret 02, 2009

L is mine

1. What is your name: Liany , u know that

2. A four Letter Word: Love…. Love Love Love Lotta Love

3. A girl’s Name: Lovely

4. A boy’s Name: Lucky

5. An occupation: Lecturer

6. A color: Light Purple…

7. Something you wear: L****L….should I mention here? ;-)

8. A food: Lontong Pecal..*slurp*

9. Something found in the bathroom: Lotion…

10. A place: London……ouch why Bali starting with B ?

11. A reason for being late: ;-)

12. Something you shout: Louder please !

13. A movie title: Lassie

14. Something you drink: Lime Juice

15. A musical group: Lobo ( dasar jadul…ingatnya yg jadul2…)

16. An animal: Laba-laba…halaaaaah…

17. A street name: Letjend S.Parman…cant find any…*sigh*

18. A type of car: Lexus

19. The title of a song: Love Song of course…too many…cant write every title here…

20. Name an activity that requires more than 2 people: Lari Estafet….*sumpah hang pas idea*

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